Research Experiences
Research Support Staff*
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University
- MOPITT (Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere) satellite software improvement
- MOPITT 20th anniversary event information management
- 3D geodetic data (satellite) visualization using python programming in Linux
Postdoctoral Research Associate*
Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University (position funded by OERA)
- Acoustic velocity modelling of 2 wide-angle seismic profiles on the Nova Scotia continental rifted margin and one on the conjugate Moroccan margin
- Layered tomography using RAYINVR algorithm
- First arrival tomography using VMTomo
- Full waveform tomography inversion using TwistPS
- Ocean Bottom Seismometer data quality control and analysis
Physical Scientist*
Ocean and Ecosystem Science, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Government of Canada
- Wave and tide model validating using buoy and drifter data
- Model parameters conditioning for numerical modelling of oil spill
- Data importing, analyzing, and plotting using Matlab
Post-doctoral Research Associate*
Department of Oceanography/Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University
(position funded by Exxon Mobile and OERA, formerly OETR)
- First arrival tomographic inversion (FAST) for Eastern Canadian margins:
Nova Scotia margin and Orphan Basin margin
- Layered tomography using RAYINVR algorithm
- Ocean Bottom Seismometer data acquisition, survey planning and shipboard data processing
- Crustal interpretations based on seismic and gravity modelling
Post-doctoral Research Associate*
Bullard Laboratories, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge (position funded by Schlumberger)
- Imaging of the Faroe-Shetland Basin and
margin basin to beneath thick basalt sequence for potential reservoirs
using low-frequency source.
- Pre-stack depth migration using Omega2 and i2i.
Post-doctoral Research Associate*
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
- Two papers published in Geophysical Journal International.
Teaching Assistant*
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
- Taught and written materials for seismic processing labs
in Introductory Geological Oceanography classes of ~10 students
Laboratory Research Assistant*
Department of Earth Science, the University of Western Ontario
- Operated atmospheric and high pressure thermal conductivity apparatus
Summer Student Geophysicist*
Petro-Canada, Calgary
- Interpreted seismic data combined with
well-log data for asset team project: the Sturgeon Lake Wabamun Top
Structure and Porosity Study.
- Presented results in report and seminar to experienced scientists
in the company.
Field Deployment Crew*
Geological Survey of Canada
- Successfully deployed geophones and set up recording systems
in remote area for the LITHOPROBE Western Superior seismic survey.
* Please contact me for time of work appointment.
Cruise/Field Experiences
OCTOPUS (2010)
R/V Strait Explorer
- shipboard scientist
- ocean-bottom seismic (OBS) profile at offshore Nova Scotia
OBWAVE (2010)
R/V Strait Explorer
- Shipboard scientist
- Acquired OBS profile in the Orphan Basin
FLAME (2002)
R/V CCGS Hudson
- Shipboard scientist
- Acquired OBS profiles over the Flemish Cap
SMART (2001)
R/V CCGS Hudson
- Shipboard scientist
- Acquired three OBS profiles offshore Nova Scotia
SCREECH (2000)
R/V Ewing
- Watchstander
- Acquired three coincident MCS and OBS profiles and many more MCS profiles in the Newfoundland Basin
Geological Survey of Canada
- Field deployment crew
- Deployed geophones and set up recording systems in remote area for the LITHOPROBE Western Superior seismic survey